

发布时间: 2021年08月06日浏览量:


The language industry job market is stabilizing after plunging in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the Slator Language Industry Job Index (LIJI).


The LIJI was developed for the purpose of tracking how employment and hiring activity trend in the global language industry.


In August 2020, the Slator LIJI rose to 96.93, up from 95.66 in July 2020.


The baseline was taken to be July 2018 (100), the starting point from which expansion or contraction of employment and hiring activity across the industry was measured.

基准为2018年7月 (100),这是衡量整个行业就业和招聘活动扩大或缩减的起点。

Prior to Covid-19, the LIJI started off slow in January 2020, but quickly bounced back with a record high in February 2020.


August 2020 is the first month that the LIJI recorded an increase since March 2020, likely due to the ripple effects of Covid-related lockdowns around the world during the five months prior.


The upward trend in August was most noticeable in the number of job postings from Slator LSPI companies and the number of LinkedIn user profiles associated with the Translation and Localization industry.

8月份的上升趋势最明显的是 Slator 上LSPI公司的职位发布数量,以及与翻译和本地化行业相关的LinkedIn用户数量。

However, there was a slight decrease in the number of job postings on one of the job aggregation sites monitored by Slator, which mitigated the overall increase.


Augest 2020 Slator Language Industry Job Index (LIJI)


Observational data relating to activity across the language industry in the month of July 2020 showed good indicators of a resilient industry, with M&A activity rebounding.


In one of the largest-ever transactions in the localization technology space, PE firm Carlyle Group acquired a majority stake in Memsource, the translation productivity and management software provider.

在本地化技术领域有史以来规模最大的交易之一中,PE公司Carlyle Group收购了Memsource(翻译效率和管理软件提供商)的大部分股份。

Also in July 2020, several language service providers (LSPs) were reported to have made purchases of their own.


Netherlands-based interpreting provider TVcN acquired Sweden-based interpreting company Tolkresurs Sverige and rebranded to Global Talk.

总部位于荷兰的口译服务提供商TVcN收购了瑞典的口译公司Tolkresurs Sveritge,并改名为Global Talk。

SwissGlobal purchased rival LSP Semiotic Transfer, located on the same street in the Swiss city of Baden.


Freelance translator platform Ureed bought freelancer marketplace Nabbesh for an undisclosed amount after closing a seven-figure-USD seed round.


With an unexpected boost from coronavirus lockdowns, remote simultaneous interpreting platform KUDO raised USD 6m in funding.


Meanwhile, tech company Intento raised USD 3m in seed funding for its AI platform, which manages neural machine translation (NMT) engines.

与此同时,科技公司有意为管理神经机器翻译 (NMT) 引擎的AI平台筹集300万美元种子资金。

New Zealand-based, Australia-listed LSP Straker Translations’ shares jumped 12% on Q1 FY 2021 results, continuing a rebound from all-time lows at the end of March 2020.

总部位于新西兰、澳大利亚上市的LSP Straker Translations的股价在2021年1季度业绩上暴涨12%,从2020年3月底的历史低点持续反弹。

UK-based media localizer ZOO Digital’s financial results also showed a strong start to FY 2021, with revenues up 3% compared to 2019.

总部位于英国的媒体定位系统ZOO Digital的财务业绩也显示2021年财年开盘强劲,与2019年相比收入增长3%。

In senior hiring news, Slator reported that Silke Zschweigert was named CEO of Belgium-based LSP Jonckers.

在高端职位招聘新闻中,Slator报告称Silke Zschweigert被任命为总部位于比利时的LSP Jonckers的首席执行官。

Former Upwork CEO Stephane Kasriel became a board member of Smartcat, the translation management technology startup.

前Upwork首席执行官Stephane Kasriel成为翻译管理技术初创公司Smartcat的董事会成员。

However, it was not good news all round in July, as UK-based Deluxe Entertainment sold its media localization department to Platinum Equity less than a year after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

不过,7月份还不是一个好消息,因为总部位于英国的Deluxe Entertainment在申请第11章破产后不到一年就将其媒体本地化部门出售给Platinum Equity。

Phil Shawe, CEO of the world’s largest LSP by revenue, described his outlook for TransPerfect in Q3 2020 as “cautiously optimistic” after a slow Q2 2020.

全球营收最大的LSP首席执行官菲尔·肖(Phil Shawe)表示,在2020年第二季度经济放缓后,他对《TransPerfect》的看法“谨慎乐观”。

The Slator LIJI relies on LinkedIn for part of its underlying data.


The social media site has some 500 million users, many of whom share data about their skills, experience, location, company, and job title on their personal LinkedIn pages.


There are over 600,000 profiles under the Translation and Localization category and a search using the keyword Localization also yields more than 600,000 profiles.


In addition to using data from LinkedIn, the Slator LIJI also culls data from a range of sources, including global job aggregation sites and additional direct company data collected from Slator LSPI companies.

