We provide all-inclusive services for the core products of software companies. Glodom provides translation into multiple languages while also helping clients to establish full-process localization throughout the localization process. We strictly follow client specifications for each project stage, including writing, software localization, testing, help documents and multimedia localization, and more. This ensures that projects proceed smoothly, making Glodom a trusted partner for clients.
The core software products of our clients are sold in over 100 countries around the world. Throughout our partnerships, Glodom helps clients improve upon the existing localization process, provides localization suggestions from the user's perspective, assists clients in improving product functions, and enhances the user experience. Service languages include Chinese, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and others. We have translated a broad rand of document types, including user interfaces, technical documents, and marketing materials, totaling more than 10 million words.

Major languages: Chinese, English, and 40 languages of Europe and Southeast Asia.
Document types: User interfaces, product technical documents, operating instructions and marketing materials, totaling more than 10 million words.
Project challenges: large project engineering, tight cycle, strong professionalism

1. Highly professional and experienced localization translation department which excels at teamwork.
2. A large team of senior translators who provide higher quality translations with shorter turnaround time.
3. Vast term bases which are regularly maintained and updated.
4. Professional proofreading by the SME team after translation to make the product more in line with the habits of professionals.
5. Regular project meetings with clients which ensure timely communication and summaries to guarantee the quality of service.